write For countingtimes.com

Technology Education Celebrity Health Information – countingtimes have a particular portal that invites the best guest writers from all over the world to write for the website. Countingtimes provides a platform where people can publicize and showcase their masterpiece of writing. We would be glad to update our portal with your creativity and aesthetic thoughts. Countingtimes designs this portal to know about the ideological beliefs that may inspire many other people around the world. That is why; Countingtimes opens up the gateway for new writers or storytellers.

We Hope The Writers Will Follow That

  • The content must be about the Technology Education, Celebrity Health Information – Insider also accepts the content that revolves around the Sports, Politics, Lifestyle, Home and Garden, Business, Travel, Entertainment, Education, and other top stories circulating over.
  • The write up must be informative and in the form of an article.
  • The article should contain at least one main heading and subheadings.
  • The content should not be copy-pasted; it must be plagiarism free, grammatically perfect, and 100% unique.
  • We don’t accept promotional articles.
  • The title should be attractive and contain 70 characters, and the content must be relevant to our website niche.
  • Content must be a minimum of 800 words, and the maximum count can be unlimited (depending on the requirement and nature of the topic).
  • You must submit one featured image (1200 x 800) to the relevant to the niche, and we allow you to suggest 3-5 related Tags/Keywords.
  • It takes 3-5 business days to review the article, and then we will publish it.
  • For the article submission, we required 60 characters of Meta Title and 160 characters Meta Description.
  • With the article, don’t forget to send the Author’s bio of at least 40/50 words minimum.
  • We don’t publish articles, which have already published somewhere else.
  • We prefer the emails which contain the original website’s domain, for example, contact@yourwebsitedomain.com.
  • Before submitting the article, make sure you have followed all the guidelines mentioned here because we designed these guidelines for your help. If you find some confusion or any query which is not in the guidelines, you may contact us on info@countingtimes.com.

Now, Countingtimes wants to discuss the guidelines for the guest writers briefly.

Content Quality Matter A Lots.

Countingtimes states the statement for the guest writers to write content that quality must meet the standards and terms of Countingtimes. We value our guest writers and suggest them to read first the guidelines and instructions for submitting and publishing the content on the platform of Countingtimes. If the content does not match with our set of standards, are not obliged to publicize it.

Furthermore, the content must be error-free, grammatically checked, and should not be from any other media channel.